Our Impact
Together, 2022

Our clients faced exceptional challenges in 2022. As always, we stood proudly with them to advance their causes. We served as their advocates in high impact cases against the world’s most powerful companies. And we gave back proudly to the communities we both represent.


Behind every dollar lost to corporate fraud is a worker, teacher, plumber, police officer, firefighter, or a consumer. We stand with our clients to win back billions and to vindicate their rights.

Protecting Workers

When a bus manufacturing company allegedly fell short on its promise to provide good jobs as part of a $500 million public contract, we stood with our client, Jobs to Move America, to fulfill that promise and bring quality jobs to working communities.

Justice for All

Several of the Firm’s attorneys received a special honor for tirelessly helping clients seeking asylum, some of whom were fleeing persecution for assisting U.S. soldiers overseas.


Our clients are stewards, and we’re proud to serve as their counsel when they lose assets to fraud. Every nickel counts, and together we’ve won back billions of dollars for their members and beneficiaries.

$11 Billion

Total Recoveries in Securities Fraud Cases Since 2015


Securities Fraud Settlements
Since 2015


Recognitions and Awards
in 2022


Former Prosecutors and Public Defenders on Our Team

By the Numbers

Our clients had an extraordinary impact in 2022. Together, we and our clients recovered over $1.75 billion for investors in securities fraud cases alone.

We also recovered $1 billion in a breach of fiduciary duty suit against Dell – a win that legal scholars called a “historic result.” The case is now awaiting final approval by the court.

We recovered $809.5 million for Twitter investors in a securities fraud class action, which received final court approval in November.

Toward Justice for Victims of the Opioid Epidemic

Opioid abuse has reached a shocking scale in America. One data point illustrates how these drugs saturated communities across the nation: Walgreens pharmacies distributed over 100 million opioid doses in the City and County of San Francisco alone between 2006 to 2014. This and other evidence came out during a bellwether federal trial earlier this year where we and our co-counsel held Walgreens and opioids manufacturers accountable.

Establishing New Law

In addition to recovering billions of dollars for investors, our clients made new law that benefits all investors and consumers. FirstEnergy, a bribery case, and Dell, a case involving alleged breaches of fiduciary duties owed to shareholders, are just two examples.


We’re proud of how we’ve given back over the last year. As community members, teachers, and leaders, we’ve worked with organizations that are making positive contributions all over the United States.

In the Community

Our team is honored to give back to the communities where we live, work, and practice.

Legal Education

As leaders in the legal profession, we give back by helping the next generation of law students and young lawyers.